Pharmacology is a branch of science that deals with the study of drugs and their actions on living systems. It includes the study of physical and chemical properties, biological and physiological effects, mechanism of action, therapeutic uses, and adverse effects of drugs.
The Pharmacology laboratory of our college is well equipped with instruments likeActophotometer, Eddy’s hot plate, Rotarod, Kymograph, Analgesiometer, Convulsiometer, Oraganbath, etc. Thelaboratoryprovides facilities for the students to carry out all types of pharmacological In-vivo and In-vitro screening of drugs.Special training on the handling and maintenance of animals is given to the students. They are also made familiar with computer-based pharmacology practicals.
Head of the department: Dr. Vishnu Kangralkar
Designation: Professor & Head
Qualification: B Pharm, M Pharm, Ph.D